Objectives and methodology

COOPERATE’s overall objective is to develop and pilot the ERA-Hub concept, based on the vision and success stories developed within the EuroTech Universities Alliance and their R&I ecosystems. The overall approach revolves around co-creation arenas in which ecosystems and their broader community of quadruple helix actors can interact. The piloting phases of hte project’s implementation are expected to test the approach and pave the way for its consolidation and replication phase.

This project is shaped along the policy documents and guidelines concerning the European Research Area, Responsible Research and Innovation and National and Regional R&I policies, European Industrial Strategy, European Green Deal and 2030 Digital Compass to name a few. Our value creating approach within the proposed ERA-Hub framework model is conceived to benefit the policy priorities, exploiting synergies and avoiding conflicts while guaranteeing a close coordination between the regional, national and European levels, supporting long-term stability and sustainability and moving away from the more biased short-term policy perspective.

Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdEKvHc0YL4 to watch the COOPERATE project video

Consortium Partners

Explore opportunities for your ecosystem

The COOPERATE project has delivered a comprehensive Self-Assessment tool, complemented by a Playbook and Toolbox which will give you concrete suggestions on how to elevate your regional ecosystem to the next level.